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Pal Tiya Premium -
Add water. Knead like dough. Sculpt. Place in your garden. Cures permanently stone hard. No firing. No Molds. No Kidding.
No need for a Kiln! Pal Tiya Premium is extremely easy to cure. It cures under plastic on day 1 and then under wet cloths and plastic for a further 5 days. After curing your sculpture will be stone like and can be placed in your yard. (See cure/strengthening profile below for more).
No complicated Armatures! You can literally use anything for your armature; foam, wood, plastic containers, tinfoil. A crushed tinfoil base on top of any armature will serve two purposes: provide the perfect grip for the product as it has no tensile strength to begin with & provide a barrier as the product is very sensitive to moisture as it cures.
Little goes a long way - Pal Tiya Premium is the decorative sculpting layer on top of your simple armature.
- Unique curing/strengthening profile:
DAY 1 - After mixing the product into a dough, apply it to your sculpture. It will stay super creamy for approx 15 minutes. Over the next two hours Pal Tiya Premium will begin to gradually firm-up allowing you to sculpt and detail your work.
Larger pieces can be created in stages that can be added to weeks or months later, provided you have a scratch/furrow layer of product over your sculpture.
DAY 2 - The second day your sculpture will be the consistency of a soft wood and you may continue to sculpt or carve on your work if you decide to.
DAY 3 - On the third day, your sculpture will be the consistency of hard wood and can still be worked as such.
DAY 4 - On the 4th day it feels like stone and may still be 'just' carve-able. However, be warned you will need power tools to work into it any further because it will be extremely hard!
DAY 5+ After 5 days it will have reached 80% of its maximum strength – you can continue to strengthen/cure your pieces for a full 28-day cure (recommended if sculpture will be climbed on).
- Can be painted with water based concrete stains or exterior acrylic paints after 5 days.
Can be added to days, weeks, even months later: by scoring the surface with a fork, re-misting with water, mixing up a batch and adding on.
Ideal for ALL outdoor conditions – freeze thaw tested for sustained wet weathering and freezing conditions.
Be aware that Pal Tiya Premium includes fine Portland cement and sand as part of its components. Please show care in their use. Make sure you are familiar with our Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data sheet for Pal Tiya Premium.
Be sure to check out our main website for detailed instructions and inspiration: